

Year: 2020

PARTNERS: VRT Radio, VRT Pilootzone


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At Podio they believe that self-education and constant-knowledge upgrade is a must for survival in the future.

Commuting, like any other activity that requires visual effort, is part of every person’s daily routine and is an actual dead asset of your day. Podio makes every wasted time of your day an educational and fun experience. Whether you’re driving in your car, taking an Uber, hopping on a train or simply walking your dog, Podio fills in every free time slot with personalized audio podcasts.


VRT Radio and Podio worked with Podio’s patented technology and set up "Just in Time". A limited selection of VRT podcasts and short fragments from various radio programs were used for the content of the app.

Just in Time was then offered via the VRT pilot area as "the VRT podcast app on the go. Whether you have a lot of time or not, the app puts together a playlist tailored to your interests that is perfectly tailored to your travel time. This way, you'll arrive at your destination completely inspired".

VRT analyzed the use of the just in time app, reported bugs and errors and provided feedback to improve Podio’s technology.


  • Belgian podcast listeners are looking for personalized and timed podcasts tailored to their commutes

  • We were able to create persona’s that typify the different types of commuters combined with their personal podcast needs.

  • Ideally integration of new content in the app is via the MAM-system. For the test manual upload was time consuming 

  • We learned that offering short, efficient and timed content snippets is what users are looking for. Content from 3 to 11 minutes. Short but snackable.

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