
YEAR: 2020

Showtag Logo.png

WHAT IS Showtag?

Showtag wants to add storytelling magic to your videos. Their aim is to get your audience to engage with your content without ever having to leave the video stream. They do this through an additional layer of product tagging, call to actions, menus, banners and so much more.

Showtag offers a way to truly engage with your viewers, you just need to add some simple code and you get a whole new dimension of storytelling to your media-player! It truly is that simple, adding Showtag hardly affects your current workflows and processes.


The starting point for this case is a video, but simply showing everything is not enough for our viewers to truly engage with content.

  • To really tell our Learntech story we wanted to link the cases and companies in an approachable and straightforward way. We want people to look at learntech differently and get inspired.

  • In addition it is really importent to guide the users to the right content. By chopping a video in bite sized pieces and giving viewers the ability to quickly skip through they will find what they need quicker and more accurately.

To reach these goals it seemed like an ideal solution to add an interactive layer to our video. Showtag helped us by supplying the tool. This tool didn’t just add the interactive layer it also gave us the freedom to choose when and how to add interactivity. Through these layers we didn’t just show our cases and companies, we also gave direct links to their websites and added skip buttons where necessary.


Through using Showtag you discover new possibilities of what you can achieve with video. Showtag makes you think about which information you can share through layers. It also makes you look at analytics differently, you think of new ways to use interactivity and feedback to continuously improve your video content.

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